Sunday, March 01, 2009

How about a bigger Kindle for magazines instead of iTunes on an iPhone?

If screen size is the key to creating a satisfactory "magazine" experience on a handheld digital device (hdd), something the size of a Kindle should be better than an iPhone – and something more like a sheet of A4 better again. This is what Hearst, the American publisher of magazines and newspapers, seems to be hoping, according to various reports (well summarised on this post from CNet).

Implementing a tied-in device could also give Hearst the opportunity to try an iTunes like subscription service, and such a service could be extended to include other publishers, thus creating the Amazon-style service proposed in previous posts.

Fortune magazine's first report of the Hearst hdd
The Wall Street Journal on Hearst's plans to charge for content

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I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy reading a magazine on a handheld device, no matter how large the screen. One of my favourite things about mags is how tactile they are - flicking through a big bundle of glossy pages is part of the experience.

I also like to read them in the bath, which the Kindle probably wouldn't take too kindly to! :P
I, however would love a digital magazine! I dream of a magazine device which is flexible (as in bendy, not just multi-purpose),touch screen (so you can 'fick')and waterproof for reading in the bath.

One day...
the presenters at the 'What Happens to Magazines' event last night in London, hosted by New Media Knowledge, pretty much kicked the idea into touch. For b2b publishers, the idea was a non-starter as they want their content on people's Blackberry's and as part of their work-flow. For Simon Wear from Future, and for Mike Soutar from Shortlist, there was no need for them: print feels nicer and web is more useful. Sarah Clegg of John Menzies Digital was ok with the idea, but not until it goes full colour, as the e-readers for books are mainly black and white(?).
That's very useful to know Alex, thank you for the comment

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